Wednesday, April 29, 2015

No Challenge Greater Than Climate Change.

“No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.”
This is a very true statement Mr. President very true. So what is the government going to do about this? The EPA’s new carbon dioxide climate plan and the climate deal with China are a good start but more needs to be done. How about shifting subsidies for fossils fuels to renewable energy? What about a carbon tax? Or a cap trade system on carbon? These measures are not extreme or revolutionary. In fact they  may even be dangerously conservative and unlikely to limit carbon emissions to ideal levels. It’s high time that the president and congress takes serious action to stop climate change.

Congress proposes new Keystone XL bill that would flood Nebraska with oil.

In what republican leaders are calling a jobs bills senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has proposed to build half the keystone pipeline and to pump dirty tar sands oil straight to Nebraska
“Think of the jobs that will be created cleaning up all that oil” Mitch McConnell is quoted as saying. He also made note of energy security of having Nebraska cover in oil. Senator Fischer (R-Nebraska) assured her states citizens that the oil would only be dumped on native American reservations.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Global Cooling

‘It used to be Global cooling” this is based off a single Newsweek article published in 1975 that suggested that the globe might be cooling. however there was never broad based agreement among scientist that this cooling was occurring. The scientists who published the science behind this article later stated that he had made a math error during his calculations of the warming and cooling effects on the planet. Science has progressed significantly in the last 40 years but this article is still frequently cited or referenced and because of climate denial it has become the most frequently cited Newsweek article ever.

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