Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Is Hillary Clinton a strong enough climate advocate for the White House?

Is Hillary Clinton a strong enough climate advocate for the White House? She supports the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan and she clearly accepts the science however she has not stated her position on keystone XL and she has supported fracking and offshore drilling. Frankly this is not good enough, the next 5 years are extremely critical and significant  action needs to happen during this time if we are to prevent catastrophe. Unfortunately we may not have much of a choice with Clinton’s ability to raise massive funds from large donors she will most likely beat out Bernie Sanders or any other climate champion for the democratic nomination. The republicans of course offer no help as few of them even accept the science as settled and none have come out with any sort of action plan to address climate change. Perhaps our only hope is that Sanders will push Clinton to take action on climate change.

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