Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Trump becomes most reasonable GOP candidate.

Donald Trump has made an about face on the issue of climate change. In a statement released today Trump stated that well Mexico is sending us it's rapists and criminals and that is a large problem an even larger problem is climate change. “Look climate change is happening people the science is as clear as day to anyone and we need to start addressing via a cap and trade system” Trump stated. Trump later added “I don’t know why other republicans aren’t getting on board with this issue”. Shortly after this statement Trumps poll numbers had started to drop among GOP primary voters.

At press time Trump had just released a tweet stating “Trump presidency-Day one: Implement carbon cap and trade. Day two: Deport all brown people back to Mexico”

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Shell is still trying to drill in the arctic

Shell is still trying to drill in the arctic. This is despite the fact that there is a 75% chance of  a spill occurring. Despite the fact that one of their Icebreakers that carried critical safety equipment had its hull punctured. Despite the fact that it can  now only drill one hole instead of two. And most of all despite the fact that we need to be leaving oil and other fossil fuels in the ground. It’s 2015 not 1975 it is not the time to be investing in major projects to try and get access to even more fossil fuels. Shell’s arctic drilling and the keystone pipeline represent projects that move us in the wrong direction. We don’t want to be investing in more dirty fossil fuels we want or rather need to be investing heavily in sustainable and renewable sources of power such as wind and solar. This business as usual approach is not going to allow us to keep warming under 2°C this century. This is a big part of why climate change is so dangerous it must be addressed quickly in order to avoid disaster and continuing to allow more development of fossil fuels resources will only lead to disaster.