Sunday, February 5, 2017

Pros and Cons of Video Games

A brief look at the pros and cons of video games.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Bernie Sanders on Climate Change

Bernie Sanders has been talking a lot about income inequality and about making the economy work for the working and middle class rather than just the rich. But perhaps even greater attention should be focused on his views on climate change. Unlike almost the entire republican field Bernie believes man made climate change is happening. He also plans to do something about Bernie has been a strong supporter of a carbon tax and unlike Hillary Clinton has come out against the keystone XL pipeline and even tweeted his support to those protesting Arctic drilling. This is the kind of leadership on climate action is what we need the next president to have. If not enough is done by the next president and congress it will likely be too late to avoid very serious harms from climate change. Climate change is a very time sensitive issue and we have already waited far too long to start seriously addressing it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Trump becomes most reasonable GOP candidate.

Donald Trump has made an about face on the issue of climate change. In a statement released today Trump stated that well Mexico is sending us it's rapists and criminals and that is a large problem an even larger problem is climate change. “Look climate change is happening people the science is as clear as day to anyone and we need to start addressing via a cap and trade system” Trump stated. Trump later added “I don’t know why other republicans aren’t getting on board with this issue”. Shortly after this statement Trumps poll numbers had started to drop among GOP primary voters.

At press time Trump had just released a tweet stating “Trump presidency-Day one: Implement carbon cap and trade. Day two: Deport all brown people back to Mexico”

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Shell is still trying to drill in the arctic

Shell is still trying to drill in the arctic. This is despite the fact that there is a 75% chance of  a spill occurring. Despite the fact that one of their Icebreakers that carried critical safety equipment had its hull punctured. Despite the fact that it can  now only drill one hole instead of two. And most of all despite the fact that we need to be leaving oil and other fossil fuels in the ground. It’s 2015 not 1975 it is not the time to be investing in major projects to try and get access to even more fossil fuels. Shell’s arctic drilling and the keystone pipeline represent projects that move us in the wrong direction. We don’t want to be investing in more dirty fossil fuels we want or rather need to be investing heavily in sustainable and renewable sources of power such as wind and solar. This business as usual approach is not going to allow us to keep warming under 2°C this century. This is a big part of why climate change is so dangerous it must be addressed quickly in order to avoid disaster and continuing to allow more development of fossil fuels resources will only lead to disaster.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What makes climate change different than other issues we face?

What makes climate change different than any other issue we face? It is one of very few that represents a threat to civilization itself misogyny, war, world hunger, cancer and many other issues kill millions and harm billions but civilization can in fact coexist with these issues it's far from ideal but it is manageable but if climate change goes unsolved then the collapse of civilization is the likely inevitability. There are other issues such as nuclear weapons that could cause society to collapse but don’t serve as an inevitability in the way climate change is, they may happen but they aren't guaranteed to happen.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Is Hillary Clinton a strong enough climate advocate for the White House?

Is Hillary Clinton a strong enough climate advocate for the White House? She supports the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan and she clearly accepts the science however she has not stated her position on keystone XL and she has supported fracking and offshore drilling. Frankly this is not good enough, the next 5 years are extremely critical and significant  action needs to happen during this time if we are to prevent catastrophe. Unfortunately we may not have much of a choice with Clinton’s ability to raise massive funds from large donors she will most likely beat out Bernie Sanders or any other climate champion for the democratic nomination. The republicans of course offer no help as few of them even accept the science as settled and none have come out with any sort of action plan to address climate change. Perhaps our only hope is that Sanders will push Clinton to take action on climate change.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I'm Not A Scientist

“I’m not a scientist” This isn't straight denial but instead a way to dodge the question but it is still used to avoid taking action. The phrase “I’m not a scientist” should be followed with something like “but I know there is broad based scientific agreement among scientists so I think we should address climate change by doing (insert preferred climate solutions here). However too often it is followed with something like I know some scientist think the globe is warming but others don’t so lets do nothing. If you are a politician you don’t have to be a scientist but you have to create policies based around the best available science and if you can’t do that then you can’t do your job and you should resign.